Pose Breakdown: Couple’s Sidelying Savasana

Cuddle yoga: Both partners in side-lying savasana.

Sidelying savasana from the restorative yoga tradition is one of my favorite relaxing poses. It’s probably because I like to sleep on my side, so mimicking that posture seriously signals to my body and mind that it’s chill time.

Adding in some snuggles from my partner makes it even better. This is one of my favorite cuddle yoga poses, and I think for most people it will be the one to most closely resemble how you and your partner already snuggle. So settle in, and let those cozy vibes soar!

Let’s get started:

1. The Little Spoon settles in. Little Spoon, have a big bolster handy, along with a couple of blankets or smaller bolsters and lie down on your right side. Fold up a blanket or use a small bolster to support your head like a pillow. Bend your left knee and bring it up to about hip height. Slide the big bolster under your leg and allow it to be supported as much as possible. If you’ve got another prop handy, you might hug it close to your chest or use it to support the left arm, as I’ve done in the picture. Your right leg is going to stay extended, long along the mat.

2. The Big Spoon snuggles in. Big Spoon, come behind the Little Spoon and place a folded up blanket on the Little Spoon’s right leg. Snuggle in behind the Little Spoon and lower yourself onto your right side. Use a prop as a pillow for yourself, or share the Little Spoon’s. Bring your left knee up, bent and snuggle it behind the Little Spoon’s, resting its weight on the Little Spoon’s right leg, the one with the folded up blanket on top. If it’s too much pressure on the Little Spoon, try a thicker prop. Do what feels right with your arms so that you feel nice and cozy. Hold for 6-8 minutes. Switch sides.

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